
Complete IT Solutions

About us and Certifications

At ProProfs, we believe that software should make you happy. We are driven to create delightfully smart software with awesome support so that you can work better, get smarter employees, and create happier customers.

We feel that software should not be clunky and hard to use. It should be a joy to use! We are highly technical, and our talented developers thrive on technical challenges. But we never forget that software is more than science – it’s also art. We carefully design each screen, write each sentence, and craft our software so that when you use it, it’s a simple, delightful experience.

ProProfs hosts more than 1,000,000 pages of content in 70+ languages and is a leading platform for online training and assessment with the world’s largest library of professional tests & quizzes. ProProfs products, including Quiz, Survey, Learning Management System, Knowledge Base, Live Chat Software, Project Management, and Training tools, are used by many Fortune 500 companies such as Sony and Dell, along with users from leading educational institutes like Yale. ProProfs empowers users to work better, get smarter employees, and create happier customers.

Services Provided by ProProfs: 

Quiz maker software, Training maker software, Chat software, Knowledge base software, Survey maker software, Project management software, Poll maker software

Key Clients: Yale University, SONY, CISCO, DHL, Dell, Ford



Offer Services

Industry Focus

  • 1Information technology
  • 1Other industries

Client Focus

  • 1Consumer Products
  • 1Business Services
  • 1Education
  • 1Healthcare & Medical
  • 1Media
  • 1Financial & Payments
  • 1Gaming
  • 1Real Estate
  • 1Transportation & Logistics
  • 1Utilities
