JetThoughts is a Ruby on Rails and React/Vue.js development company targeted at start-ups, small and mid-sized enterprises. Our team members are open source contributors who know the framework inside out and use Agile methodologies to make the whole process smooth and efficient. We build web and mobile applications, dealing with anything from software architecture and development to analytics and internal growth strategies. Our motivated engineers + process we built = stable product delivery with scale in mind. The process we use is formed by the 15 years of research and consulting experience.
Services Provided by JetThoughts:
Web Development: Ruby on Rails, React.js, Vue.js, Node.js, TypeScript, ES2015+, Heroku, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Digital Ocean, GCE, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram APIs, Solr, ElasticSearch, Algolia Search, E2E, Integration and Unit tests
Mobile Development: React Native, Turbolinks, Cordova, PhoneGap
Key Clients: Faria Education Group, AgentInbox, Mobile Coach, PubNative, Knight Foundation